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whatsapp chatbot

How has Whatsapp chatbot helped other businesses?

Build trust and sell more by confirming your business identity. Let customers easily see your products and add them to their cart right within WhatsApp, without sending them to other websites or links.

Customers Effortlessly

Reach and engage more customers effortlessly.

Craft and send updates and notifications using pre-designed WhatApp message templates using the WhatsApp business API.


Typical increase in marketing campaign conversions


Notification and promotion open rate on WhatsApp


Typical surge in successfully resolved queries through WhatsApp automation


Greater number of leads captured with WhatsApp chatbots

Customers Effortlessly

Streamline the shopping process by enhancing product discovery through WhatsApp.

Craft and send updates and notifications using pre-designed WhatApp message templates using the WhatsApp business API.

Optimize customer service

Optimize customer service through WhatsApp automation.

Utilize WhatsApp broadcasts to attract more customers at a cost lower than many other channels, thanks to its superior engagement and conversion rates.

Acquire More customers, faster.

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