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Mulitlingual Conversations

Engage in over 50 languages using your versatile chatbot to enhance global customer relationships through conversational intelligence.

Deploy your multilingual chatbot in more than50 languages , including:
Connect worldwide!

Connect with customers worldwide!

Achieve scalable experiences across international boundaries effortlessly with Choose your preferred language, manage localized messages and FAQs, and you're ready to go!

Live Chat Translation

Live Chat with Automatic Translation

With's bidirectional auto-translation, effortlessly translate messages between users and agents. Translate live chat conversations in real-time and respond in your users' preferred language.

Triple Your Revenue with Chatbots and Live Chat

Seamless complexity.

Seamless multilingual conversations without added complexity.

Your customers no longer need to navigate complicated language menus. automatically assigns conversations to agents who speak your customers' preferred languages, making satisfaction effortless.

Multiple Languages

Build Once, Deploy in Multiple Languages

Localize your solution with stop-words and synonyms to eliminate the need for duplicating flows for each language you want to support.

Your favorite tools.

Get the best out of your favorite tools.

Effortlessly connect with the third-party apps and CRMs you're already using for marketing, ticketing, analytics, and business growth.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with

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Get started on DAIDU-AI with the help of a personalised demo.

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