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E-commerce & Retails

How can your eCommerce brand benefit from an AI Chatbot?

How Can Accelerate the Growth of Your E-commerce Venture?

Revolutionize Your WhatsApp Business with!
Entire Sales Cycle

Streamline the Entire
Sales Cycle

Utilize the eCommerce chatbot to bridge the gap between customer awareness and purchase by delivering highly personalized product recommendations and interactions that transform visitors into paying customers

Share Order Updates

Share Order Updates, Payment Notifications, Returns, and Refunds

Automatically Optimize your post-purchase operations with the eCommerce chatbot. Utilize WhatsApp message templates to effortlessly share these crucial updates

Sell Your Products

Showcase and Sell Your Products Directly via WhatsApp

Offer a comprehensive shopping experience that empowers customers to explore your products on WhatsApp, add them to their cart, and complete payments directly within the app

Execute Targeted

Execute Targeted Marketing Campaigns for Superior Lead Generation

Leverage eCommerce chatbots to execute comprehensive marketing campaigns across multiple channels. Harness the power of Conversational AI to engage with customers through personalized interactions.

Your favorite tools.

Get the best out of your favorite tools.

Effortlessly connect with the third-party apps and CRMs you're already using for marketing, ticketing, analytics, and business growth.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with

Request a Demo!

Get started on DAIDU-AI with the help of a personalised demo.

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