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AI Chatbot

3x your revenue with Chatbots and Live Chat

Elevated engagement. Lifelong customers. Engage in conversational commerce, automate support, and generate leads with We have a bot for every purpose.

An easier way to build bots.

Construct your bot once, and deploy it within seconds. Develop bots effortlessly using the drag-and-drop conversational modeler, requiring minimal coding

Simplified bot building.

Craft your knowledge base with FAQs, Intents, Cognitive Search and Docusense - perfected to support your customers, whether dusk or dawn.

NLP Engine

Cutting-edge NLP engine providing personalized experiences, driven by context and intentions, throughout every step of your customers' journey.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with

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Get started on DAIDU-AI with the help of a personalised demo.

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